One of the things we’re most proud of at Pedal is our fit service. We put a great deal of effort into being the area bike shop with the most experience, best training and finest customer service.

We break our fitting into two main areas: sizing and fitting.

Bike Services at Pedal

Bike Sizing
Bike sizing comes into play as we determine what size frame you need for your particular endeavor.

If you want a road/cross/mountain bike, the size determination is based on our judgement and experience. We’ll select a bike, place the bike on a trainer so that you can get a feel for the bike, take appropriate measurements and make adjustments as needed. This service is included with the purchase of most bikes from Pedal.

Bike sizing is important when purchasing a triathlon/TT bike or any custom bike. For these, we go through a protocol (the F.I.S.T. protocol, for those of you keeping score) on our fit bike to determine the ideal points in space for certain components of your bike. We charge $150 for this service, but deduct that cost from a bike purchased from us within 30 days.


Bike Fitting
Bike fitting involves modifying your existing bike to fit your unique physical form to the greatest extent possible. Many folks are on the right size bike, but care has yet to be taken to optimize the bike to the particular needs of the rider. We can do that, and we can do it to varying degrees.

Bicycle Service from Pedal Bicycle

A basic fit is the process by which we determine the precise location of your saddle and your handlebars. We’ll warm you up on the trainer, note the initial configuration of your bike, then measure your body’s angles on the bike and adjust component location as needed. We charge $100 for a basic fit. Please note that a basic fit is a service included with the purchase of every road, cross, mountain and tri bike purchased from Pedal.

A full fit includes all of the components of a basic fit, plus a great deal of attention to the human/bike interface, your feet. We make sure that your cleats are positioned correctly. We look at the physical nature of your feet and potentially modify the cleat/shoe interface to give you full foot contact as you pedal. We look at your lateral knee movement as you pedal and make adjustments as required. A full fit is a big deal, for which we charge $200.

We can do other, more specialized services. Give us a call at (269) 56-PEDAL and we can talk about your specific needs.

Bike fitting services are exclusive of parts.

We guarantee our work.